Submission Deadline Information

  • Review the application submission schedule before applying.
  • Meeting dates and submission deadlines may be moved to accommodate holidays and newspaper publication deadlines.
  • Follow the submission schedule posted at the Building Department and as posted on the website. Submission deadlines are firm.
  • Follow the submission instructions found in the application. The instructions provide direction on the number of packets needed, assembling your submission, and the documents required at filing.
  • Incomplete applications may be deferred to a future meeting. 
  • Applicable fees are noted on the application. Applications filed without the fee are considered incomplete.
Submission Deadlines
2018 Meeting Dates and Submission Deadlines

Submissions must be filed by 4pm.  Late submissions are deferred to a future meeting. 

* deadline moved due to holiday 

Meeting Date  Deadline
January 17 December 29, 2017*
February 21 February 5
March 21 March 5
April 18
April 2
May 16
April 30 
June 20 June 4
July 18
July 2
August 15  July 30
September 19 August 29*
October 17 October 1
November 28*
November 12
December 19 December 3
January 16, 2019 December 26, 2018*
February 20, 2019 February 4, 2019