Striving to provide top-notch service to the community
It's the simple things that give you peace of mind: having your trash picked up on time, taking care of fall leaves through streetside collection and composting, and making infrastructure improvements to keep roads, bridges and sidewalks in good repair.
We are responsible for conducting elections in an orderly and ethical manner, carefully tending to the processes and equipment to ensure your vote counts.
When collecting taxes and fees, we strive to provide the most cost-effective services.
If there's a fire or if someone suffers cardiac arrest, we're responsive and use advanced, life-saving equipment. For car accidents and crimes, the police attend to cases from start to finish. Prevention is key in keeping the crime rate low - we do this by getting to know the community.
Day in and day out, we provide services in a professional manner – with an eye toward improvement and innovation.
Every department strives to put our citizens first. We are here to serve you.