Presidents Day in the 'Ville
Posted on 02/20/2025
Mayor Brian Turnbull


Historically, winter is starting to wind down when we make it to Presidents’ Day. This year, the holiday was Monday, February 18, following a weekend snowstorm (citizens noted what a great job DPW did in plowing and salting our roads). Over the years, we’ve had Presidents, governors and other dignitaries visit Northville around Presidents’ Day (in good weather and bad) and for other civic occasions. Notably, Presidents Joe Biden & George H. W. Bush came through Northville while running for office. In this issue, I am going to touch on Presidents’ Day and activities around town through the years.


  • Presidents’ Day (George Washington’s Birthday) is a holiday in the U.S., celebrated the third Monday of February to honor all persons who served as President.
  • The federal holiday especially honors our first President, George Washington. Additionally, this day historically honors President Lincoln. From 1879–1971, it was known as Washington’s birthday celebration until it became Presidents’ Day.

Before we look at Presidents' Day Activities, let's see what's going on today!

  • Mill Race Village Support the Historical Society by becoming a member (Link), engraving a brick (Link), or making or buying a pie for the 3/14 Pi Day event (Link).
  • Chili’in the Ville2/22, 1-4pm, Downtown Northville. Chili cookoff between local fire departments & restaurants, tickets are $10 for 8 small cups of chili.Link
  • Northville Art House Gallery Talk “Love Stories in Art” – 2/22, 1pm Link
  • Interurban Street Car Lecture –2/26, 7pm,Mill Race Village Link
  • Maple Syrup Tours at Maybury Farm– Weekends, 3/8 - 3/30Link
  • Senior Shamrock Shindig at the Community Center3/14, 11:30amLink
  • Declan’s Dance: A St. Patrick’s Day Celebration – 3/15, 7-11:30pm@ Marquis Theatre, featuring Maggie McCabe & Gerard Smith, O’Hare Irish Dancers, and the Shawn Riley Band. All proceeds and donations go to the Ford Field Playground via the Declan Carter Foundation. Donate (Link) or buy Tickets (Link)
  • State of the Community Luncheon – 4/11, 11:30am – Hosted by the Northville Chamber of Commerce @ Schoolcraft College Link


  • Ford Field – Phase I (Winter): Construction of water fall area has begun @ Randolph Drain, Phase II (Spring) Vista overlook, fencing, staircase & ADA entrance, play structure & in ‘26 - Bathrooms.
  • Riverwalk – Retention Pond & Riverbed constructed @ Downs (rocks/timbers added). Historic Log Cabin positioned, and other sections being engineered.
  • Downs Initiative – Streets/Curbs poured & Toll Brothers’ Town Home models being built & fully roofed on Center Street.
  • Grants that Support Northville’s Community Initiatives – Link


  • Cemetery Restoration Task Force – Meeting 3/10 @ City Hall 7PM. Stop to see progress at Oakwood Cemetery. Contact Dave Marold for info [email protected]
  • Bicentennial Task Force – Meeting 3/19 @ City Hall 7PM.Volunteers welcome to join teams (Marketing, PR, History, Dosen’s, other) For info -[email protected]


pres. day


Let's look at past Presidents' Day activities in Town...

The following happenings are chronicled in The Northville Record:


  • 1934 –Albert Kohler, a Northville native, decorated a record-setting 250-lb cake for Pres. Roosevelt’s birthday on 1/30. It was sent to the White House for the celebration.
  • 1992 –President George H. W. Bush (1989-1993) & First Lady Barbara Bush slowed down their campaign train as they came through Northville’s Cabbage town and Bealtown areas, waving to those gathered along both sides of the track.
  • 2024 – President Biden’s motorcade was greeted by Northvillians lining the sidewalk as they drove to the Garage Grill & Fuel Bar in the Historic area to speak with locals and national media representatives. The President exited through the Orchard Heights area.

GOVERNORS in Town–Numerous Michigan governors have come to town for various activities through the years, especially around Presidents Day:

  • 1904 –Gov. Warner visited Northville routinely and lived close by in Farmington. He owned the Clover Dairy, and many of his 13 cheese factories were in the area. He spoke at our band shell in 1904 where he launched his governor’s race.
  • 1932 –Gov. Brucker spent time in Northville at our County Fair.
  • 1950 –Gov. (Soapy) Williams opened the Northville Downs racing season, spoke at and dedicated the Northville State Hospital (Legacy Park today).
  • 1962 –Gov. Romney, Mitt Romney’s father & former Chairman of American Motors, launched his campaign for governor in Northville.
  • 1982 –Gov. Bill Milliken spent time in our city and had a small Northville flag on his desk in Lansing (given to him during his first visit here).
  • 1998 –Gov. Engler signed legislation in the City of Northville in the fall of this year before stopping at our historic Parmenter’s Cider Mill.
  • 2003 –Gov. Jennifer Granholm lived here in the community and went on to become the United States Secretary of Energy.
  • 2012 –Gov. Snyder took spirited questions from local residents at a Town Hall meeting held here.
  • 2019 –Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has been to town on many occasions since 2019.

As you can see, Presidents, Governors and other notables have visited our Town over the years making their mark on our community, especially around Presidents’ Day. Now it’s time to make YOUR mark – we all have 60 minutes in each hour and 24 hours in a day, and it’s how we use this time that makes a difference in Life. I challenge you to make a difference for your community!

Keep that Northville Faith and let's keep moving forward together!

Brian Turnbull
Mayor – Northville