Contract awarded for Cady St. water project
Posted on 09/19/2024
City Hall is where City Council meetings are held.City Council recap of Sept. 16 meeting

There were technical difficulties in live-streaming the meeting on You Tube. Mayor Brian Turnbull recessed the meeting for five minutes so the technician could work on the issue. Although the issue was not resolved, the meeting resumed and continued to be recorded, but was not live-streamed. See link below.

Water upgrade on Cady – Council awarded a contract to Bidigare Contractors, of Plymouth Township, in the amount of $530,785, which includes a 15% contingency, for the city’s Water Main Replacement Program in 2024. The company was the lowest of six bidders to replace approximately 1,300 lineal feet of existing 4” and 6” water main along E. Cady between Center Street and Griswold with a new 12” water main. This will greatly increase capacity of water volume, which is an improved benefit to water customers.

Special event application – This item was moved from the consent agenda to the regular agenda. Mayor Brian Turnbull submitted a special event application to hold a brief fireworks display after dark on Sept. 28. The fireworks would be set off in the Toll Brothers portion of the Downs site and could be viewed from Town Square. The mayor recused himself from the vote. All voting Council members approved the special event request.

Public Comment (on non-agenda items)
• Heather Smiley - Spoke on running for U.S. Congress in Michigan’s 6th District.
• Mary Elwart-Keys, 502 W. Main
• Ed Brazen, 370 Fairbrook
• Jeff Snyder, 508 Gardner

Council Communications

Mayor Brian Turnbull said the Elm tree behind City Hall will be dedicated this Saturday, Sept. 21, at 1 p.m. He encouraged people to attend the Victorian Festival this weekend.

Council Member Andrew Krenz reminded people to attend Coffee with Council on Thursday, Sept. 19 at the Garage. He and Council Member Laura Genitti will be hosting the event, along with City Manager George Lahanas. He also thanked those involved in cleaning up Oakwood Cemetery and noted that he is serving on the Cemetery Task Force. He said it’s important to keep the cemetery well-preserved and also is interested in conveying the stories of those buried there. He also asked why the street names in the Downs development were showing up on Google maps. City Manager George Lahanas said that Council will decide the street names, which will be done prior to being dedicated for street funding from the state of Michigan. He also promoted the events being held by Northville Youth Network, such as Wellness Wednesday.

Council Member John Carter thanked the businesses that got involved in Sweep the Streets, led by the dental office of Bill Demray, DDS. He said he is serving on the Bicentennial Task Force and welcomed others to join the group or its subcommittees. He also encouraged people to attend the Victorian Festival and said his third-grade daughter will be in the parade. He also noted that the Planning Commission is considering the Green Ordinance audit, which will be discussed at their next meeting and the public could learn about it by attending the meeting.

City Manager George Lahanas had no comments from city administration. When asked by Laura Genitti whether people could drink (alcoholic beverages) at Coffee with Council, Lahanas said residents could do so but council members would not during the actual event. (Of note: For those who don’t like drinking coffee in the evening, there will be decaf coffee and cider.)

View the video here.