City Council recap
City Council recap is an overview of items discussed and decisions made at the City Council meetings, along with a summary of citizen comments made during the meeting. When items from the consent agenda impact many people or pertain to a board appointment, they may also be noted in the recap. To review the recap, locate the date of the meeting on the tab and click on it. The recaps also contain a link to the meeting video. You can see all of the City Council meeting videos here
City Council recap
Aug. 20, 2018

Zoning ordinance amendments were approved following the second reading (articles 18, 25, 26), which simplifies temporary uses. As such, food trucks will be allowed to operate in any zoning district on private property, as long as the vendor and property owner have registered that intent with the City. New temporary uses that will be overseen by the Building Dept. official but do not require a permit include the temporary installation of dumpsters and port-a-potties.

Permits will now be required for:

1. seasonal sales of perishable items by non-profit entities on private property
2. temporary outdoor special events held on private property where the general public is invited
3. The temporary construction of a building or office
4. A temporary emergency residence.

A change to article 21 prohibits the use of electronic changeable copy signs, grandfathering in those that already exist.
Petition to vacate a portion of Horton Street – Several residents of the Oakwood subdivision signed a petition to ask the City of Northville to vacate the southern portion of Horton Street, between Hill and Maplewood, keeping it open for public access and utility work as needed. The request is intended to prevent additional homes from being built in that area, which is wooded and provides access to nearby Maplewood Park. City Council approved the petition and a public hearing will be set.

Allen Terrace roofing project – A change order request of $8,453.50 for the roof repair and replacement project underway at Allen Terrace was approved by City Council, enabling Garland/DBS, Inc. to refasten plywood that was not fastened to the joists, per code, at the time that the senior apartment residence was built. During the replacement of gutters and roof hatches, it was discovered that the plywood was buckling and separating from the structure. An additional $28,417.50 was approved for contingencies, which remains within the budgeted amount for the project. (The original bid came in under budget.)


BZA Alternative member – Stephen Calkins was appointed to serve as an alternate member of the Board of Zoning Appeals, to fill a vacancy, with a term that expires July 1, 2021. Calkins, a law professor at Wayne State University, is a 30-year resident of the City and previously served on the BZA as an alternate member from 1987 to 1995.