Boards and Commissions
City Council encourages citizen involvement in city government, relying on dedicated residents to serve the city as a volunteer on various boards and commissions.  Through strong community support and participation, Northville provides quality services, creating a desirable community for our citizens.  To attract the most qualified individuals to serve on our boards and commissions, vacancies are announced at City Council meetings, the website, City News, and social media. 

Applying for a Board or Commission

Those interested in being considered for an appointment to a city board or commission are invited to complete an application.  The application is automatically emailed to the Clerk's office and will remain on file for two years.  After that time,  if you have not been appointed and are still interested in serving in a volunteer role on a board or commission, you must submit a new application.  Applicants are encouraged to review the Board and Commission Guidelines before submitting the application.

If you are currently serving on a board or commission and wish to be considered for reappointment at the end of your term, complete the Reappointment Application.  All reappointment applicants will be interviewed by the Board and Commission Selection Committee.    

Boards and Commission Application
Boards and Commission Reappointment Application
Board and Commission Guidelines 

Appointment process

When terms expire and/or upon notification of a board or commission resignation, openings for the position are advertised in City News, and on the city website and social media. If you are not a current member of that board/commission, complete the Board and Commission Application. If you are a current member and your term is set to expire, complete the Reappointment Application.  

The Clerk's Office will contact all applicants to confirm whether they are still interested in serving, and to schedule their interview with the Board and Commission Selection Committee. 

The Board and Commission Selection Committee, comprised of the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem, interviews applicants at an open meeting and makes its appointment recommendation to City Council.  The Committee's appointment recommendation is placed on a future City Council meeting (consent) agenda for formal approval. Board and Commission Selection Committee meeting dates and meeting agendas can be viewed here.


When terms are set to expire, openings for the position are advertised in City News, and on the City website and social media.  All board and commission members whose terms are set to expire must express their interest to continue service and complete the Board and Commission Reappointment Application

Reappointments are not automatic. Reappointment applicants and new applicants will interview with the Board and Commission Selection Committee at an open meeting.  The committee's appointment recommendation is placed on a future City Council meeting (consent) agenda for formal approval. Board and Commission Selection Committee meeting dates and meeting agendas can be viewed here