The City of Northville is well prepared for snow removal. Initially, snow is plowed from the main streets and intersections, such as Center, Main and Taft. The plows then clear snow from streets with steep hills and sharp curves to aid in safe driving before working on flat streets in neighborhoods, parking lots, alleys and cemetery roads.
Wayne County plows snow from the streets of Griswold, 7 Mile, Northville Road, and 8 Mile, east of Taft. Oakland County is responsible for clearing snow on 8 Mile, west of Taft, and Novi Road.
Salt is used sparingly to avoid damage to roads and run-off into the Rouge River, but may be applied when conditions warrant, especially at intersections.
Keep sidewalks clear of snow and ice
Residents and businesses must clear sidewalks within 24 hours of a snow or ice event. When clearing snow, it is against the law to blow or shovel snow into any roadway. Prompt removal of snow also reduces the need for salt, which discharges into storm drains and eventually into the Middle Rouge River.